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Our approach is designed to first educate our clients on the truth of how money works.

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We invite you to schedule your complimentary discovery session with us. Call our Fair Lawn NJ office at 201-690-3031.

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

We at Macro Wealth Management offer a comprehensive array of services designed to help you secure your financial future. In short, we guide you allocate your assets into a diversified and customized financial portfolio, while developing an understanding of the big picture. We then manage the buying, selling and holding of funds in accordance with macro-economic indicators combined with your ongoing, dynamic needs and desires. 


Coordinated, organized and wise investment decisions are made easier when you partner with Macro Wealth Management. When you are fully informed about macro economic factors that can affect your wealth, you’re empowered to make smart choices when it comes to investing.

Fixed Income Platform

Depending on your age and level of risk, a portfolio with a number of bonds that mature at staggered times (normally at least one bond matures each year) may work best for you. This lower-risk type of investment platform is known as a “Laddered Bond Portfolio”.


Annuities which are a combination of investment and insurance products can be a great addition to a portfolio where the investor wants to guarantee an income in retirement. 


Insurance is designed to protect your assets. Four types of insurance that Macro Wealth Management carries are disability, life, long-term care and longevity.

Need our help?

We Are Here For You

Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced, knowledgeable financial advisors at our office in Paramus, NJ.